Hackity App

A civic application for citizens to reimagine the city

A civic application where residents can share their ideas for improving their neighbourhood. Based on the idea that residents are the ones who better know the needs of a neighbourhood, Hackity App is a platform encouraging people to reimagine their city, proposing their ideas and solutions, creating community and collaborating with their neighbours. Collaboration and participation of citizens are the power of Hackity App to reimagine cities and improve neighborhood.

Most proposals in Hackity App are related to the following topics:

  • Urban equipment: repair or replace existing ones, add new ones wherever it is necessary.
  • Cleaning: places or sites that need to be cleaned and ideas about it.
  • Mobility: suggest changes or impovements related to public transport or private cars and parking spaces.
  • Green areas: plant or remove trees or other plants from any part of the city.
  • Neighborhood life: urban street art or any other activity.
  • Other: other recommendations related to residents’ desires.

Citizens have many ideas on how to improve their neighborhood and  what needs to be improved: a tile with which always they stumble, a hole in the cabin that could be an urban library, an unused space in the neighborhood. Through this application, citizens can share their ideas, so that it is easier to re-imagine our cities and our neighborhoods.

Here it is how Hackity App works:

1.    Propose your Ideas. Take a picture, click on ‘proposal” bottom; choose a catchy title, write a short description about you see and what you want to do; choose a category; add a location, upload the picture and click on ‘proposal’ bottom. And ready.

2.    Comment.  Join the other proposals of users. Other users will comment your ideas and solutions. The more and actors involved in, much better proposal. In this way we collaborate among all to achieve better proposals.

3.    Make your ideas happen. Take a step further and take action. You decide how much you get involved to turn your ideas into reality.

4. Better with friends. Give more visibility to your proposal. Share it on social networks, tell your friends and contacts. Among all do in your neighborhood and your city a better place to live.

Here you can find a short video about how the application works.

The application is mainly used in the city of Madrid (Spain), but it is also used by residents from other spanish cities.