
An advanced sensing platform for real-time pipe breakage detection

LeakView™ is an advanced sensing platform for real-time detection of pipe breakages. The system comprises multiple pipe leakage indicators, such as high-rate (64-256 samples/sec) pressure sensors, hydrophones and flow meters installed at optimal locations – coupled with minute-by-minute data analytics for anomaly detection.

The sensors transmit continuous information about the condition of the pipe network to a cloud-based data management and analytics engine. The LeakView™ system identifies the pressure transients generated by potential pipe breakage and localizes the event to the faulty pipe with high likelihood. This detection process is automated and provides information on the severity of leaks to help the repair crews prioritise their response.


Visenti combines the benefits of three major leak detection methodologies – Pressure Transients, Hydrophones and Flow rates – to provide a comprehensive non-revenue water reduction solution.

Table 1. Main characteristics of three leak detection methodologies. Source: LeakView™.

System Performance

  • LeakView™ can be deployed on Trunk mains, Open networks or inside DMAs.
  • Pipe breakage can be detected and localized from a range of 1 km or more using pressure transients or 500m using hydrophones, depending on network connectivity and configuration.
  • Water main breaks can typically be detected on pipes with diameter above 100mm. Leakage detection on smaller diameter pipes requires a higher density deployment.
  • Pipe bursts can be detected on pipes made of cement, metal and plastic (PE, HDPE and PVC require higher density sensor deployments).
  • Water main breaks can be detected and localized in real-time (24/7).
  • Leak localization accuracy using pressure transients or acoustics is dependent on the GIS data accuracy.
  • Alerts are sent in real-time to the customers and can be integrated within customer’s own SCADA system.
  • It also offers a subscription-based 24/7 alarm
    monitoring service to complement LeakView™. Once
    a critical leak event is identified, Visenti’s Control Center
    is activated to respond to the alert escalate to the most
    relevant network operators.

Singapore’s Central Business District

Singapore’s national water supply agency, PUB, has implemented Visenti’s pressure monitoring and leakage localization tools in the complex pipe network of downtown Singapore. This CBD network comprises 300 km of pipes spread around an area of 60 ㎢ and delivers 40 MLD of potable water to approximately 0.5 million customers.

Processed data from 35 pressure-monitoring/ leak-detection devices, deployed in optimized locations within the CBD network, enable the system, which manages pressure data streams, performs real-time analytics and sends SMS and Email notifications in real-time to the relevant field teams so that they can prioritize their operations based on the event severity and respond quickly to critical events to minimize any negative impact on consumers.

Since its implementation in April 2013, the system has detected critical pipe bursts. In these events, it has been able to localize the leaks within a 20-meter accuracy. The ability to detect leaks 24/7, even before they reach the surface, together with the ability to pin-point these leaks with existing complementary acoustic loggers, provides utility operators with vital lead time for operational planning and prioritization.