Open Data Catalog

A data catalog portal that provides access to open data sets, applications, and APIs

Open Data Catalog is an open data catalog based on Django, Python and PostgreSQL. It was originally developed for, a portal that provides access to open data sets, applications, and APIs related to the Philadelphia region. OpenDataPhilly seeks to improve access to data about Philadelphia, increase government transparency and accountability, drive and encourage innovative uses of the data, and inform citizens about the region’s trends. features data sets, applications, and APIs that provide access to useful and significant data on the Philadelphia region. The site enables users to quickly search through available data sets and access links where they can download the data. By increasing access to open data, OpenDataPhilly encourages better and more open government and a more engaged and knowledgeable citizenry.

OpenDataPhilly includes both municipal and non-municipal data and enables users to search for and locate data sets based on keyword and category searches. For each data set, application, or API, there is accompanying information about the origins, update frequency, and other specifics of the data. The record for each data source also includes links for downloading the data or accessing the application or API.

Simply accessing data, however, is not the ultimate goal of OpenDataPhilly. By connecting people with data, users are encouraged to take the data and transform it into creative applications, projects, and visualizations that demonstrate the power that data can have in understanding and shaping our communities. These public uses of data are featured in the OpenDataPhilly Idea Gallery. Each data set, application, or API can also be rated and commented upon in order to provide feedback on the possible uses of a data source.

There is a Submit Data form using which new data sets can be submitted, and users can also suggest data sets that they think would be useful through a Nominate Data page.