The application enables citizens to report local problems such as potholes, illegal trash dumping, faulty street lights, broken tiles on sidewalks, and illegal advertising boards. The submitted issues are displayed on the city’s map. Users may add photos and comments. Moreover, they can suggest solutions for improving the environment of their neighbourhood.
Through the application local government agencies enable citizens and local actors to take action to improve their neighborhood. Reported cases then go directly into the city’s work order queue for resolution, and users are informed how quickly the case will be closed. When cases are resolved the date and time of the resolution is listed, providing users with the sense that the city is on the job.
The application has been developed within the European Project PEOPLE, in close cooperation with the Municipality of Thermi, Greece and user groups. It is therefore a truly user-centered digital application, adapted to the needs Municipalities and local communities. Moreover, the source code of the application is available free as open source software.