Open Atrium

An intranet in a box for team collaboration

Open Atrium is an open source platform designed specifically to make great teams communicate better. An intranet in a box with: a blog, a wiki, a calendar, a to do list, a shoutbox, and a dashboard to manage it all. Let’s not forget that it’s also completely customizable.

Open Atrium is a part of a growing open source offering helping commercial companies, international organizations, federal governments, and online publishers grow their enterprise platforms with excellent team communications tools. Open Atrium is powered by an active community, and it’s working. Open Atrium is now being translated into more than twenty languages and several hundred people are growing its base of features. Together we are developing the most advanced knowledge management tools for team collaboration.

Open Atrium is an intranet in a box that has group spaces to allow different teams to have their own conversations. It comes with six features – a blog, a notebook, a calendar, a case tracker, a shoutbox, and a dashboard to manage it all:

  • Analytics: Allow per space usage analytics within the system.
  • Multi-site & Microsite Capability: Build a variety of related, yet different sites that all exist together in one holistic system or host multiple sites from a single instance of Atrium.
  • Sandbox: Test out the content and architecture before it goes live and either save or wipe the slate clean when finished.
  • Workflow: Draft, review, schedule, publish and archive the content in customizable steps that follows the processes and systems users’ organization already has in place.
  • Archive: Retain all the information and content around a particular space, but remove it from the day-to-day work and search results.
  • Blog: Share ideas and receive email notifications when others post.
  • Notebook: Collaborate on documents, compare revisions, and print when you’re done.
  • Case Tracker: Create and manage projects within each of your groups.
  • Calendar: Add events and pull in feeds from other calendars.
  • Shoutbox: Share messages and links with just the people in your group.
  • Dashboard: See a snapshot of all the activity across your groups.

The look and feel of Open Atrium is customizable using themes, and new functionality can be added using Kit-compliant Features.