Smart Citizen

An open source platform for crowdsourced environmental monitoring

Smart Citizen is a platform designed to generate participatory processes of people in the cities. Connecting data, people and knowledge, the objective of the platform is to serve as a node for building productive, open indicators, and distributed tools, and thereafter the collective construction of the city for its own inhabitants.

The Smart Citizen project is based on geolocation, Internet and free hardware and software for data collection and sharing. It connects people with their environment and their city to create more effective and optimized relationships between resources, technology, communities, services and events in the urban environment.

The Smart Citizen project has been crowdfunded by the Spanish platform Goteo and its software is distributed under a Creative Commons CCO v. 3 License.

The Smart Citizen Kit is a piece of hardware comprised of a sensor and a data-processing board, a battery and an enclousure. The first board carries sensors that measure:

– Air Quality
– Temperature
– Sound
– Humidity
– Light Quantity

In addition, the board contains a solar charger that allows to connect it to photovoltaic panels to be installed anywhere. The board is equipped with a WiFi antenna that allows you to upload data from the sensors in real time to the online platform which is being developed withing the project and which will be based in Cosm (, previous Pachube) .

The Smart Citizen Kit is based on an Arduino shield developed by Fab Lab Barcelona and Hangar. Computers have allowed us to create content, and Internet we can share it with. Through the development and distribution of urban sensor kits, people can use devices to upload information from the environment to the web and thereby visualize and share values such as air or noise pollution from all over the world.

The Smart City project is currently implemented in the cities of: